Monday 12 September 2016

Task 2- P2 M2 D1
Social- A barrier is something that stops an individual developing in sport social is all about making new friends, meeting new people, communicating with new people and getting your family involved basically its about taking part in sport with new people. Therefore a social barrier in sport would be if an a women who regularly took part in sport and became pregnant this would be a social barrier because they will need to stay at home and rest to make sure the baby has good health therefore it is stopping her mixing with her friends, taking part in sport and meeting new people.
Cultural- Whereas culture is all about religion the UK includes people from many different backgrounds and cultures therefore there will be a lot of barriers which will stop people in religions of participating in sport. Some cultures have rules and traditions which the people in that certain religion have to follow therefore it will stop then participating in sporting activity some religions do not allow women to participate in sport altogether, others allow participation if they wear clothes that cover the whole body and some allow it if the person is being taught or observed by the same sex only , for example women who are Muslim are only allowed to show their face and their hands therefore Muslim women wouldn't be allowed to start swimming because that would mean they would have to wear and bikini and that would show more than their hands and face and that would be against there religion.
Economical- Furthermore the economical side of  this barrier is usually an inability to meet costs of participation such as bus fares, match frees, equipment like football boots and shin pads or entry fees or club membership such as when you sign for a club you have to register and that normally costs money. An example of a economical barrier in sport is a family that lives in a small village and has a low family income this will be a barrier to sport because if one of the family members want to get involved in sport it will cost money for example to play football at participation level it will cost money for the subs every week, the travel cost and the player will need equipment like boots and shin pads and they haven't got the money spare therefore it will prevent his changes to play sport. Most sports are expensive as they involve anything from membership to equipment and even transport.
Education- In addition education barriers is all about education starting at a young age, this barrier can be due to the lack of teachers able to teach sport in schools this is a barrier because if a school doesn't have any PE teachers the children wont get educated on PE and wont know the basics about simple sports like football, hockey, rugby and basketball therefore when they move up to secondary school all the other kids will have the knowledge and know the basics on the sport. Lack of facilities available or even a lack of funding can be an education barrier because if a school doesn't have any facilities on the site for example grass or astro tuft then there is no where for the teachers to take a PE lesson therefore that is preventing there chances of doing physical activity or a lack of government funding is an education barrier because if the government doesn't fund for sport in that specific school therefore they will have no money to fund equipment so they wont have any sporting equipment.
Historical- On the other hand the UK has many sports and these sports have spread around the Commonwealth, however traditionally most sports have been male dominated this is because when the sports were found they was mainly found by a male and was made for males as in the olden days women had the responsibility to look after children and cook for the family therefore they had a less of a role in the community. The 3 sports that have the most women participation in are hockey, tennis and netball however in our day and age women participation in sport is growing every day, therefore a historical barrier in sport could be for a male to start dancing this would be a barrier because this sport is mainly women dominated like football is male dominated and the rules and regulations were found and mainly aimed for women therefore this will push men away from participation of the sport and will prevent there chances of men doing dancing. However not every male is distracted from the back ground of dancing because of shows like strictly come dancing celebrity males participate on the shows that show cased world wide of television and they just do it for enjoyment but this will increase males participating in dancing because they will be role models for males in the sport as they have overcame the background of the sport.
Women: Firstly the first target group that could prevent women from socialising in sport would be women if they became pregnant, this is a social barrier because when the become pregnant women have maternity leave off work therefore they are at home every day and they will stop participating in physical activity because they need to avoid stress, avoid contact of the belly and will be tired and will have no energy to play sport, this means they will stop socialising for example stop making new friends through sport, meeting new people and communicating. Whereas this will effect the sports development at elite level because as pregnant women take time out of sporting activity therefore they aren't even participating in foundation level so they aren't even learning to basic skills and techniques of the sport this means it will hinder the chances of reaching elite level because they need to start from the bottom stage and work up towards elite therefore this hinders women's chances of meeting the elite stage of the sports development continuum. Consequently to overcome this potential barrier pregnant women can still participate in exercise however very light exercise this is because when they become pregnant participating in exercise is dangerous for them as it puts stress and strain on the baby however light exercise wont put stress and strain as it is very light for example yoga is a good sport for pregnant women. This would be very good for the women because it would still get them involved in sport even though they are pregnant so they are still keep fit and healthy which will have an effect on the baby as if the women isn't healthy and fit the baby wont come out like that, also it is good for them as they are still getting involved in the sport therefore they are still getting involved in the sports development continuum at foundation level and in this particular stage of the continuum you learn the basics of the sport and it gets you prepared if you want to keep getting involved and move up to the next stage of the sports development continuum.
Black and minority ethnic groups: In addition this specific target group could be a barrier to participation in sport and socialising because when black and minority ethnic groups participate in sporting activity straight away other people judge and stereotype them as they aren't the same colour or the same race as other people in the group, therefore no one other than there mates will socialise with them and this is a barrier because this target group in sport (social) is all about meeting new people through sport, making new friends and communicating with each other and this might stop then from participating in sport because it will make them feel like they aren't welcome and this will have a massive impact on them as they wont go again. Therefore this barrier would effect the participation stage of the sports development continuum because when they aren't socialising and meeting new friends it will make them feel very unwelcome and this will result in them not coming back to the specific event/session this means they aren't even getting involved at the participation level and at this certain stage it is just learning the basic skills within the sport and it gets you prepared on moving up the continuum and getting you more involved in the sport because if you then start to enjoy and like that sport you will then join a club and that is the next stage. A solution of this social barrier for the black and minority ethnic groups would be to avoid anything happening like this get involved in sessions and event in there community this would stop this barrier happening then because all the people that are getting involved will be from the same community therefore they will all socialise with each other and this will help them to make new friends through sport and communicate with new people.
Young people: The final target group for this certain barrier is young people, a barrier that could stop young people to socialise and make new friends through sport would be if they sustained an injury that meant they could play for months for example acl ligament in the knee this would be a barrier because as they are injured they cant play therefore they wont be able to social with there friends in that club/session only over text, they wont be making new friends and they need to keep socialising when they are injured because it will help them recover faster as there friends and watching them play that specific sport they like it will urge the injured person on to recover faster because he will want to be joining them on the pitch and it will still get them involved in the sport even if they are just watching. Furthermore this barrier would have an effect on the sports development continuum at foundation level because obviously when you are injured you cant participate in physical activity as the injury needs time to recover and it will make the injury worse therefore they aren't learning the basic skills of the sport and they aren't participating so there is a slight chance that they will progress in the continuum. A solution for this barrier would be even though an injured player cant still participate they can still get involved and go and watch this will avoid this barrier because they will still be socialising from the side-lines and they are still getting involved which will impact on them massively as it will help and want them to progress to the next stage of the sports development continuum.
Black and minority ethnic groups: The first target group for the cultural barriers to participation is black and minority ethnic groups, a barrier that could prevent this target group from participating in physical activity is for these certain types of races to play sports like football this is because it links back to when football first started which it was mob football and traditionally it was made by the English therefore this could be a barrier for this target group as they don't want to play it because they might get judged and the might get stereotyped, also mainly black people have a different somatotype to white people because they are built like ectomorphs, for example tall, strong, wide shoulder and no body fat that's why they normally participate in running because they have the correct build for the sport. Therefore this barrier would effect the sports development continuum at foundation level because if black and minority groups don't get involved in football because of the background of the sport they wont be getting involved even at foundation level where it is just introducing them to the sport and learning them the basic skills, this means they aren't going to progress to participation, performance and elite level of the continuum. A solution to make sure this barrier doesn't happen would be for people like these get involved in sessions in the community this is because then they are participating with people the same race therefore they wont get judged/stereotyped and they are getting involved in the sport at foundation level this will help them progress through the sports development continuum because when they have the basic skills they can then move up to foundation level where they will become a better player because they will get coached and then take their skills into a game situation.#
Women- Consequently the second target group for the cultural barriers to participation is women, I have chosen this specific target group because culture is the UK is a massive part of men and women's life as when you follow a religion that comes with specific rules and regulations such as when you are a Muslim women can only show there face and their hands therefore this is a barrier to sports participation because when you get involved in sport you wear specific clothing like shorts, t- shirt but it would be against there religion as they can only show their hands and face so this will stop them participating in a sport. For example Muslim women wont be able to participate in football or swimming as in both sports you need to show more than your hands and face to get involved in the sport. Furthermore this barrier effects the sports development continuum at the highest stage which is elite stage this is because the main aim and objective of the continuum is to get as many people as they can as an initiative involved in any sporting activity because then the more people they get involved in any sporting activity the more chance they have of people progressing and reaching the elite stage, however this will effect this specific group because there cultural is against showing more than their hands and face therefore they wont even be getting involved in the bottom stage which is foundation level. A solution for this specific barrier for Muslim women would be to get involved in sessions in there community this would be a solution for this barrier because when they participate in the same community there will also be women there who are Muslim therefore they will find some specific game or sport that doesn't go against there religion and it is getting them involved so they are more likely of reaching the elite stage of the continuum as they are getting involved and each stage of the continuum will help them for example in the foundation stage is it just learning participants the basic skills and is getting them involved in the sport which will help them to reach the next stage. Also a solution for this barrier would be to go into a Muslim based community and setting up a specific club like a football club this would solve this potential barrier because all the participants that will be getting involved will all be from the same community therefore they will be avoiding this barrier and they will enjoy it more as they will have friends that are attending the session, also when thinking about making a club in this community try and get a Muslim sporting role model involved because then that will attract more people to get involved and that's the main objective of this scheme as the more people get involved the more amount of people they can get to progress to elite level.
Young people- The final target group for this specific barrier to participation is young people, the UK has many different people that follow different religions and when you follow a religion you have specific rules and regulations you have to follow and if not it is against there religion, for example when Muslims are fasting they can only eat at certain times of the day. In addition a barrier for young people that will prevent them from playing sport would be if a young person wanted to start getting involved in a specific sport however the family that the young child in as had an experience running through the family of playing a different sport so his parents don't agree with letting him play the sport, this would stop him from getting involved in the sport because the parents wouldn't like watching him play the sport and they'll be strict when he wants to get involved in the sport therefore he wont participate in the sporting activity he wants to do. Whereas this barrier would have an affect on the sports develop continuum at performance level because the more people they get involved at foundation level the more chance they have of progressing performers to the performance and elite stages of the continuum and it will have a negative influence on academy's and county coaches because if parents are stopping there sons who have good football ability and can play at that level it is loosing the coaches a good football player who could go on a represent an academy or his county and they will then have to sign a player who isn't as talented but there parents want him to play football. In conclusion a solution for this specific barrier would be for the young child to follow in there ts footsteps in sport this is because then they wont stop you from getting involved in a specific sport and they will give him guidelines to help him achieve as much success as he can therefore pushing him to be a better performer in the sport and even if he doesn't like that particular sport the more he gets involved the faster he will start enjoying the sport.
50+- In contrast the third barrier to participation is economical, the first target group I have chosen is 50+ this is because older people have a certain budget of money to last them for a certain time and in that time they need to pay for their bills, shopping and anything else therefore this is a barrier to participate in sport because it costs money to travel, any equipment needed within the sport for example football boots and shin pads and memberships and joining fees and they might not be able to afford the costs of participating in sport therefore it would prevent them from participating in sport. Moreover this economical barrier for 50+ would affect the sports development continuum at foundation level because it would prevent older people of getting involved in sporting activity and this is key to people like these because exercise keeps them fit and healthy and they wont be exercising because of this certain economical barrier. In conclusion a solution for this barrier would be for people like this to attend clubs locally because then they wont be paying for travelling fees and can use the money they save for something else and join clubs that are funded by the government or sporting initiatives because clubs like these have equipment there already that they provide you with therefore they wont have to pay for equipment and this is what costs the most in sport.
Young people- Furthermore the second target group for an economical barrier is young people this is because this certain target group are still in full time education therefore they haven't got an income of money as they haven't got a job and as you know performing in sports costs money for example travelling especially if there parent are at work and cant take them it will cost money to travel, costs money to join a club/membership and equipment for the sport costs money and they haven't got the money so it will prevent them from participating in sporting activity. Therefore this economical barrier will affect the sports development continuum at participation level especially because at this particular stage it is where performers get more involved in the sport by joining clubs and teams and this is where this barrier will effect some young people because they will need boots and shin pads so they can play in competitive games, they will need money for subs every week and any kit and it will be costing the parent money to travel to training and matches and some parents will not pay for this as it might be too much money and this will result in there child in not playing the sport at all, and this is a negative benefit because the young person needs to get involved in the sport to try and reach the elite stages of the continuum which is the initiatives main aim to push performers up to that level. A solution for this barrier would be for young people to get involved in sports and club in there region this will save them money because then they wont be paying money to travel, they will be enjoying the sport because they will be with there friends and this is vital to the continuum because the more they enjoy it the better players they will become and then the faster they will move up the sports development continuum.
Women- The final target group which an economical barrier could effect is women this is because when women settle down it comes with many responsibilities that will prevent them for participating in sport, for example having a child is a barrier for women this is because you will have to spend most of there time with the child especially when they are younger as they require more attention and care at that age than when they grow up. In addition this barrier will affect the sports development continuum at elite stage because when they have there baby they aren't going to be participating in sport for at least 3/4 months as they will be looking after there child and this will have a negative affect on them as a performer because in that time they wont be able to maintain there fitness levels, they will loose some ability this means they will have to start from the bottom, wont have time to travel, money might be tight as they need to care for their child and that will delay the chance of reaching the elite stage of the continuum and the main aim of this continuum is to get more people involved as the more people they get involved the more chance of people reaching the highest point of the continuum which they will achieve lots of success.  In conclusion a solution for this barrier is for women not to have baby's at a younger age this will solve this economical barrier for women as they will have time to travel to participate in sport because they wont have any other responsibilities like looking after children and they will have money to pay membership fees and subs and they will be getting involved in sport which is the main aim of this plan.
Young people- Furthermore the fourth barrier to participation is historical the first target group which will have a barrier to participation is young people, this is because when tennis was first created it was played by people of the upper class these people was them who was wealthy and didn't have to work because they have money. Whereas the lower class people who worked played football as their sport because the wealthy people had too much class to play that sport and they had negative thoughts about football so they played tennis, this would be a barrier to young people in our day and age because of the background of tennis it might distract and push young people away from participating in it as they will think they cant play it and they will be judged because they are not wealthy. In addition this historical barrier for young people would have an affect on the sports development at the highest point on the continuum because this barrier will have an affect on some young people therefore that is cutting the percentage of people participating in the continuum and the more people who get involved in a sport the more chance they have of progressing people to the elite stage, therefore not as many people are going to reach the elite stage for tennis. In conclusion a solution for this barrier to young people is not to worry about the back ground of any sport this will help them overcome this potential barrier because then they will just get involved and the faster they get involved the better players they will become and they have more chance of reaching the elite stage, on the other hand if they did think about this barrier it would stop them from participating and getting involved in tennis which is a massive disadvantage.
Women- Consequently the second target group which a historical barrier will prevent them from participation in sport is women, this is because every sport has a different back ground for example football was found in the 1800s and originally it was called mob football the rules was totally different, the lower class people found the game and played it as the upper class didn't want to play it and it was made for males to play that is why the sport was male dominated therefore the background of the sport may distract women and make them think that this sport is male dominated and not many females play it so they wont get involved, however the women's game is growing rapidly each day there games are being televised on national television now and they have been bought into the game FIFA. This barrier would affect the sports development continuum at foundation level because the barrier will push them away from the sport therefore women wont even be participating at this stage and this stage is vital to this continuum as it learns them the basic skills that they will need in the sport and it will help them to progress to the next stage as the sessions will be enjoyable and that will make the women want to get more involved. In conclusion a solution for this barrier would be not to worry about the back ground of any sport this will help them overcome this potential barrier because then they will just get involved and the faster they get involved the better players they will become and they have more chance of reaching the elite stage, on the other hand if they did think about this barrier it would stop them from participating and getting involved in tennis which is a massive disadvantage.
Young people- Finally the last barrier to participation is education the first target group which will have a barrier to participation is young people this is because, in primary schools many children don't like to participate in physical activity as they may be embarrassed as they've had a bad injury or they have body issues therefore young people aren't getting time in exercise which is a negative benefit as physical exercise keeps you fit and healthy and they aren't learning the basic skills in sports like hockey and tennis which they will need when they move up to secondary school. Kids who do have these basic skills will adapt better in secondary school in PE because they will know the rules and regulations of the sport and they will know how to play the sport whereas the kids who didn't in primary school will find it much harder. Whereas this barrier would affect the sports development continuum at elite level because as i have stated young children might not get the opportunity to participate in much sporting activity in primary schools because of factors like lack of equipment or lack of facilities or even a lack of teachers, therefore this will effect the main objective of this scheme which is the more people they get involved at foundation the more athletes that will progress to the elite stages at obviously affect the elite stage this is because there will only be a small percentage of young people progressing to this level however if all young people had the opportunity to learn the basics in sport at an early age it would help them massively progress faster as they will know how to play the sport and the rules and coaches can increase there ability through coaching. The better the level of coaching the faster players will progress thats why achieving the highest level is vital as that is the best coaches in the country and obviously players will benefit al ot from that. In conclusion a solution for this potential barrier would be to start participating in foundation level for example at school or events this will solve this potential barrier because at this level they will learn the basics in all sports and that is vital as it prepares you to progress through the stage also it is keeping them activate because this is the age were they start to play on consoles which hinder the time young people participate in sport which wont keep them fit and healthy, examples of this would be doing PE in school or going to scheme events like just play mars or chance to shine were they will be participating in sport and it will help them progress as these events are enjoyable and that's vital in progressing because then they will want to go further in the sport and join a club.
50+- Likewise the second target group which will have a barrier to participation is 50+ this is because, the last time they got educated in sport was a long time ago in primary schools and then in secondary and back in there time the level of teaching and coaching wasn't half as good as it is now so they would have learnt the very basics therefore the education would have been poor so they wouldn't learn much and whatever they did learn was taught about 25 years ago and that's a long time ago. This means they wouldn't have much knowledge on basic skills in sport like passing a ball in hockey or football and if they wanted to get back into sport at there age it was have a negative benefit on them. In addition this barrier would affect the sports development at participate level this is because as this category of people was educated along time ago they will have forgot most things that they got taught this means they will have to get ran over the basics of the sport, for example in football the basic skills like passing and then running over the rules and regulations however at this level of football the people who are participating will already have the knowledge and skill level therefore this will effect this level because participants will drop out as they will feel the standard is too high for them. In contrast a solution for this potential barrier would be to join sports suitable for this age group for example bowls this sport is ideal for 50+ this is because the sport isn't like football and rugby which young people play as it is energetic and physical whereas bowls doesn't require nothing its just skill which can be taught and the more they play bowls the better they will be. Also this is a good solution because it will keep them healthy and active and bowls is a well known sport in every community where the older generation play therefore they will be exercising while meeting new people.
Disabled- Finally disabled people is the last barrier to participation this is because certain factors like equipment and depending on the disability will hinder the chance on this target group as if they don't have the equipment like we have that will mean they cant participate in physical activity because they don't have the equipment like we do, also depending on the disability will affect disabled people participating in physical activity because if you have a class of 5 and 4 of them are in a wheelchair and ones blind how can you teach them PE therefore the disability will have an effect on how long you participate in sport, but every child even if they have a disability are allocated to 2 hours of quality physical education a week. In contrast this barrier would affect the sports development continuum at foundation level this is because, if this certain category of people don't have equipment or a certain disability stops them from doing sport this will affect the continuum because they cant get involved even at participation level and this level is vital to help you progress through the ranks as it learns you the basics of all sports and gets you involved in the sport and once you've participated at this level and enjoy it you have then got the skills for the next level which you wont struggle at. Furthermore a solution of this barrier would be from the funding of sport England invest money in coaches and wheelchair basketball equipment because then people with disabilities can participate in physical activity and they are even participating in the sports develop continuum at foundation level because they are learning the basics in the sport and with the quality of good quality coaches they will make the sessions enjoyable which is vital in progressing through the continuum as they will be keen to after the session join a wheelchair basketball club and from there coaches can increase players ability through their coaching skills.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Task 1- P1 M1

Task 1- P1  M1

a) "Sport development is the promotion of sports activities for the community"
     Sports development is where sports development initiatives for example, chance to shine and football in the community runs sessions for people in the community to get them involved in sport. There are four parts of the sports development continuum and when the community starts participating in this session they are at the foundation level, which is just all performers will be learning basic skills in the sport for example in cricket how to bowl line and length. The 3 stages above that is participation, performance and excellence.

b) The main aim of sports development is to promote sports in the community this is because when they run sessions in the community it is introducing the performers to new things and getting more people involved in the sport this is vital in this programme because the more people they get to start at the foundation level the more chance of elite athletes to evolve through the programme, for example an elite performer is like a Wayne Rooney in football or Joe root in cricket. In addition the objectives which will help try and achieve the aim of sports development is to protect excising facilities as the initiative has more facilities to host sporting sessions, therefore the more facilities they have the more sessions they can host so more people are getting involved. Another objectivities of sport development is  enhance the quality, accessibility and management of existing facilities this will help them achieve there aim because when they enhance the quality of the sessions the performers will learn new skill much faster therefore they will become better athletes faster.

Sport development has 5 priority groups which they target in there sessions which are: ethnicity and minority, elderly, disabled, younger people and women.

This certain initiative gets funded by the national lottery and sport England whereas the national lottery gives sport England 1.6 million pound a week to help the funding of sports development.

Sports development works with sport England which funds all the national governing bodies therefore this initiative works with all the national governing bodies, for example the FA just play mars scheme promotes football at grass roots level because it gets people involved in the sport.

Football- Leisure leagues: promotes the chance of male individuals 16+ to play football at grass footballs level.
Hockey- Back to hockey: mainly is aimed at the older generation that played hockey at a young age as it gives them the opportunity to play the sport again.
Cricket- Chance to shine: is aimed at school children because it gets the younger generation involved in the sport and learning new skills.
Netball- Back to netball: this sport development group is aimed at females who wants to get involved in netball, this is aimed at any ages.
sportitvate: Finally sportitvate group is aimed at young disabled people as it gives them the opportunity to play sport.

Sports development continuum:
The sports development continuum is a process which this scheme uses and believes it will help them achieve there main aim of this initiatives, which is to get as many people as they can in there target groups involved in sport because they believe the more people they get involved the better chance of elite athletes coming out the programme. In addition this continuum has 4 different stages: foundation, participation, performance and excellence, the 4th stage is foundation at this stage sports development run sessions of sporting activity to try and get more and more people involved in sport therefore they are learning the basic skills in the specific sport, for example a young child learning how to pass a ball. Secondly the next stage above foundation is participation this is where a performer who started at the foundation level gets more involved in a particular sport by joining a club, this is different to the stage below as at this level you will get coached and enhance your skills all the time in that sport also this is the stage where it will get competitive, for example a child joining a football team and playing in competitive games at grass roots level. Moreover the second stage is performance at this stage young people young people begin to develop there talents more as they begin to concentrate on a specific skill and develop talent in specific areas they develop there talents further because they'll get quality coaching at that level, for example a teenager playing for an academy or represent there county at football. Finally the 1st stage of the sports development continuum is excellence at this stage players pass from county level to regional level, at this certain stage the players will already have a excellent skill level and will be getting very high quality coaching to maintain and improve further, the pyramid narrows after each stage because few people make it to the excellence level that is why they want to get more and more people involved in the scheme.
Purpose- The purpose of this initiative is to show progression with skills, tactics and training this programme shows progression through the sport development continuum because all the performers obviously start at the bottom stage but making the session interesting and having good coaches will help this programme because the kids will be more engaged in the session and learn faster so it will show progression much quicker.
Appropriateness- This specific scheme has a specific approach and is designed so that their content and delivery are specific to the participants, for example they have 5 different target groups that they aim to progress in sport which are ethnicity and minority, elderly, disabled, younger people and women. Also communities is one because at the foundation level most of the sessions they host are ran and advertised through the community.
Cross-cutting agendas:
Pro-health- This area has a health bias, for example guiding young people into participating in physical activity and promoting healthy eating and regular exercise.
Pro-education- This certain agenda is based on helping people within the sport, for example understanding fair play and following the rules of the game.
Anti-drug- In addition anti-drug agenda is aimed at highlighting the dangers of drug taking or helping those with a drug problem to find a way back into normal activities like sport.
Anti- crime-  Moreover this agenda is similar to anti drug agenda as it encourages young people to avoid crime and take part in more sporting activity as it keeps them of the street.
Regeneration- Finally the last cross cutting agenda is regeneration this is where city's that are hosting major tournaments like the Olympics and the Euros get regeneration in order to host the events, this will help them get prepared for the event in time.
Cricket- This particular sport links with the sports development continuum in all 4 stages, this is because the bottom level where all the participants start at is called the foundation level this is where young child aged 4-7 take part in cricket sessions through an initiative in that sport for example chance to shine. At this particular level the young children are just learning the basic skills and the main aim of the session are that they are enjoyable for the participants as that will make them want to go further in the sport, for example one of these sessions could learn a child how to bowl properly which is a basic sport. Secondly the stage above foundation is called the participation level at this stage this is where young people start to play at club level for cricket this stage is a it different to the foundation level because the quality of coaching will have improved as all coaches will have a cricket coaching badge and this will influence of the people in that club because it will improve them faster as cricket players, at this stage this is where it starts to get competitive e.g. matches. An example of this stage would be a 11 year old who participated in the foundation session and he enjoyed it therefore he went and joined a club so he could get more involved in the sport. Whereas the stage above participation level is called performance level each stage is different in a way and this stage is different because at this stage the performers start to play at a high club level like an academy or represent there county at cricket therefore the coaching will be better and higher quality of coaching will influence the players because it is essential for player development, also at this stage it is where they train more than once a week mainly train 2-3 times a week and then play a game. Finally the last stage is called excellence level, at this particular stage its were players pass from county level to represent there country this is the peak of the sport development pyramid as it is were individuals reach sporting success and at this stage the governing bodies are responsible for development at this stage.
Football- On the other hand football football links with the continuum because it tries pushing players as far as they can in the sport so they can each success. For example at foundation level this is like an introduction session to the participants as they will be learning the basic skills in the sport and the main aim of the session is that all participants have enjoyed it because if they have enjoyed it and learnt the basic skills that will help them massively progress into the next stage, an example of this stage is a session from an imitative in the sport. In addition the next stage is called participation this is were the performers from the participation session join a club at grass roots level to get more involved in the sport, in this stage the quality of coaching will improve slightly and this is essential to the players as it will develop them better, at this stage is it where they start playing in game situations and start using there football skills in a game. Moreover the next stage above is called performance level, at this level it is where players get picked to represent there county's at football or get scouted for an academy this stage is a little different to the participation stage because the quality of coaching will improve and they level they play at will increase, for example there is a massive difference of football when you've played a club level then you play at performance level as you will be playing against the best kids at your age in that region. Finally the top of the sports development continuum is called the elite level, at this stage this is were footballers get passed on from regional level and academy level to represent there country again the quality of coaching will then improve and this will help the players develop much quicker. At this stage the level will be the highest in football for that age group because they will be playing against footballers that are the best 11 players in that country, the FA will be responsible for development at this stage as it will be there coaches coaching the players.
Rugby- Furthermore the last sporting example that links with the sports development continuum is rugby as it helps rugby players progress through each stage so they can reach the highest point and achieve success. For example all players have to start somewhere and that somewhere is called foundation level, at this level is it were young children learn the basic skills in tag rugby as they aren't old enough to play full contact rugby. In these kinds of sessions they will learn the basic sporting skills for example passing the ball and the main aim of this session is that is it enjoyable for the participants as that will influence them on progressing into the next stage. In addition the stage above foundation level is participation level, at this particular level is it were the participants play at club level for a team this is quite different from the foundation level because the quality of coaching improves which will then make the players improve and they start playing in competitive games so they are using there rugby skills in a game situation. Consequently the next stage in the sports development continuum is the performance stage, at this particular stage this is were rugby players get picked to represent there country or even play for an academy at this sport this will have a positive impact on the players because as each stage progresses the quality of coaching does as well therefore the better the coaches the better rugby player they will make you be. At this particular stage they will only concentrate on a specific skill for example a players weakness because then they wont have any weakness in there game. Finally the peak of the pyramid is excellence level, at this stage this is were players pass from regional stage to then representing there country at rugby, at this stage this is were individuals reach sporting success and the pyramid narrows as few players get to this level in the sport.
What's similar between all 3 sports- All 3 of the sports have similarity's, for example the first similarity is that all sports get young children participating at foundation level this is because all children have to start somewhere and this stage is vital in the continuum as it teaches the participants the basic skills in the sport and they are needed because without the basic skills they wont be able to improve as players without having these skills. For example passing in football and rugby and bowling in cricket when you have these skills you can they build on top of them for example passing with the outside of your foot in football and bowling off a run up in cricket. Also the foundation stage is vital because it gets more people involved in the sport and this is key for this continuum because the more people they get involved the more players they can push through to excellence level which is home grown talent. A sporting example of this would be a football at the age of 5 started off in a foundation session, he then enjoyed the session and wanted to play at club level after each game he was improving because of the coaching he then gets picked for an academy which he improved more at and then he gets picked to play for his country which is the peak of the pyramid.

What's different between all 3 sports- Finally as normal things have similarity's and then they have differences, for example a difference between football, rugby and cricket is that they all start at foundation level however some initiative  which are responsible in that sport have different aims, for example just play mars which is a football initiative aim is different to chance to shine and kids first because chance to shine just want people to participate in the sport they don't try and push the performers as far as they can get in the continuum because they just host there participation events on enjoyment all they want kids to do is enjoy the session and protect the young people from crime and drugs because when they are playing football they know that they aren't getting involved in crime or drugs. On the other hand chance to shine which is the cricket initiative is different from chance to shine because there aim is to try and push performers as far as they can to reach success they do this by firstly hosting introduction session where they will learn the basic skills then they will have contacts to clubs which performers can join that is getting them involved in the sport at participation level, when they are playing at club level and they are getting coached and making them better players then scouts and regional mangers will look at them and if they are good enough scout them. Once they have scouted them and they are part of an academy or a county the quality of coaching will then increase further and make them even better players then they might have the ability to represent there country and this is the same with rugby because if the performers enjoy the session and want to get more involved in rugby there will be coaches there or they will have contacts which they will pass on to the players then they'll play at club level and get coached and improve, then if they have the rugby ability they will get looked at by scouts and then be playing at performance level which then the level of coaching will be very high and this is essential because the better the coaching the better players they produce and then finally they will go and represent the country which is the peak of the pyramid. Therefore they are pushing the players are far as possible.