Wednesday 29 June 2016

Task 1- P1 M1

Task 1- P1  M1

a) "Sport development is the promotion of sports activities for the community"
     Sports development is where sports development initiatives for example, chance to shine and football in the community runs sessions for people in the community to get them involved in sport. There are four parts of the sports development continuum and when the community starts participating in this session they are at the foundation level, which is just all performers will be learning basic skills in the sport for example in cricket how to bowl line and length. The 3 stages above that is participation, performance and excellence.

b) The main aim of sports development is to promote sports in the community this is because when they run sessions in the community it is introducing the performers to new things and getting more people involved in the sport this is vital in this programme because the more people they get to start at the foundation level the more chance of elite athletes to evolve through the programme, for example an elite performer is like a Wayne Rooney in football or Joe root in cricket. In addition the objectives which will help try and achieve the aim of sports development is to protect excising facilities as the initiative has more facilities to host sporting sessions, therefore the more facilities they have the more sessions they can host so more people are getting involved. Another objectivities of sport development is  enhance the quality, accessibility and management of existing facilities this will help them achieve there aim because when they enhance the quality of the sessions the performers will learn new skill much faster therefore they will become better athletes faster.

Sport development has 5 priority groups which they target in there sessions which are: ethnicity and minority, elderly, disabled, younger people and women.

This certain initiative gets funded by the national lottery and sport England whereas the national lottery gives sport England 1.6 million pound a week to help the funding of sports development.

Sports development works with sport England which funds all the national governing bodies therefore this initiative works with all the national governing bodies, for example the FA just play mars scheme promotes football at grass roots level because it gets people involved in the sport.

Football- Leisure leagues: promotes the chance of male individuals 16+ to play football at grass footballs level.
Hockey- Back to hockey: mainly is aimed at the older generation that played hockey at a young age as it gives them the opportunity to play the sport again.
Cricket- Chance to shine: is aimed at school children because it gets the younger generation involved in the sport and learning new skills.
Netball- Back to netball: this sport development group is aimed at females who wants to get involved in netball, this is aimed at any ages.
sportitvate: Finally sportitvate group is aimed at young disabled people as it gives them the opportunity to play sport.

Sports development continuum:
The sports development continuum is a process which this scheme uses and believes it will help them achieve there main aim of this initiatives, which is to get as many people as they can in there target groups involved in sport because they believe the more people they get involved the better chance of elite athletes coming out the programme. In addition this continuum has 4 different stages: foundation, participation, performance and excellence, the 4th stage is foundation at this stage sports development run sessions of sporting activity to try and get more and more people involved in sport therefore they are learning the basic skills in the specific sport, for example a young child learning how to pass a ball. Secondly the next stage above foundation is participation this is where a performer who started at the foundation level gets more involved in a particular sport by joining a club, this is different to the stage below as at this level you will get coached and enhance your skills all the time in that sport also this is the stage where it will get competitive, for example a child joining a football team and playing in competitive games at grass roots level. Moreover the second stage is performance at this stage young people young people begin to develop there talents more as they begin to concentrate on a specific skill and develop talent in specific areas they develop there talents further because they'll get quality coaching at that level, for example a teenager playing for an academy or represent there county at football. Finally the 1st stage of the sports development continuum is excellence at this stage players pass from county level to regional level, at this certain stage the players will already have a excellent skill level and will be getting very high quality coaching to maintain and improve further, the pyramid narrows after each stage because few people make it to the excellence level that is why they want to get more and more people involved in the scheme.
Purpose- The purpose of this initiative is to show progression with skills, tactics and training this programme shows progression through the sport development continuum because all the performers obviously start at the bottom stage but making the session interesting and having good coaches will help this programme because the kids will be more engaged in the session and learn faster so it will show progression much quicker.
Appropriateness- This specific scheme has a specific approach and is designed so that their content and delivery are specific to the participants, for example they have 5 different target groups that they aim to progress in sport which are ethnicity and minority, elderly, disabled, younger people and women. Also communities is one because at the foundation level most of the sessions they host are ran and advertised through the community.
Cross-cutting agendas:
Pro-health- This area has a health bias, for example guiding young people into participating in physical activity and promoting healthy eating and regular exercise.
Pro-education- This certain agenda is based on helping people within the sport, for example understanding fair play and following the rules of the game.
Anti-drug- In addition anti-drug agenda is aimed at highlighting the dangers of drug taking or helping those with a drug problem to find a way back into normal activities like sport.
Anti- crime-  Moreover this agenda is similar to anti drug agenda as it encourages young people to avoid crime and take part in more sporting activity as it keeps them of the street.
Regeneration- Finally the last cross cutting agenda is regeneration this is where city's that are hosting major tournaments like the Olympics and the Euros get regeneration in order to host the events, this will help them get prepared for the event in time.
Cricket- This particular sport links with the sports development continuum in all 4 stages, this is because the bottom level where all the participants start at is called the foundation level this is where young child aged 4-7 take part in cricket sessions through an initiative in that sport for example chance to shine. At this particular level the young children are just learning the basic skills and the main aim of the session are that they are enjoyable for the participants as that will make them want to go further in the sport, for example one of these sessions could learn a child how to bowl properly which is a basic sport. Secondly the stage above foundation is called the participation level at this stage this is where young people start to play at club level for cricket this stage is a it different to the foundation level because the quality of coaching will have improved as all coaches will have a cricket coaching badge and this will influence of the people in that club because it will improve them faster as cricket players, at this stage this is where it starts to get competitive e.g. matches. An example of this stage would be a 11 year old who participated in the foundation session and he enjoyed it therefore he went and joined a club so he could get more involved in the sport. Whereas the stage above participation level is called performance level each stage is different in a way and this stage is different because at this stage the performers start to play at a high club level like an academy or represent there county at cricket therefore the coaching will be better and higher quality of coaching will influence the players because it is essential for player development, also at this stage it is where they train more than once a week mainly train 2-3 times a week and then play a game. Finally the last stage is called excellence level, at this particular stage its were players pass from county level to represent there country this is the peak of the sport development pyramid as it is were individuals reach sporting success and at this stage the governing bodies are responsible for development at this stage.
Football- On the other hand football football links with the continuum because it tries pushing players as far as they can in the sport so they can each success. For example at foundation level this is like an introduction session to the participants as they will be learning the basic skills in the sport and the main aim of the session is that all participants have enjoyed it because if they have enjoyed it and learnt the basic skills that will help them massively progress into the next stage, an example of this stage is a session from an imitative in the sport. In addition the next stage is called participation this is were the performers from the participation session join a club at grass roots level to get more involved in the sport, in this stage the quality of coaching will improve slightly and this is essential to the players as it will develop them better, at this stage is it where they start playing in game situations and start using there football skills in a game. Moreover the next stage above is called performance level, at this level it is where players get picked to represent there county's at football or get scouted for an academy this stage is a little different to the participation stage because the quality of coaching will improve and they level they play at will increase, for example there is a massive difference of football when you've played a club level then you play at performance level as you will be playing against the best kids at your age in that region. Finally the top of the sports development continuum is called the elite level, at this stage this is were footballers get passed on from regional level and academy level to represent there country again the quality of coaching will then improve and this will help the players develop much quicker. At this stage the level will be the highest in football for that age group because they will be playing against footballers that are the best 11 players in that country, the FA will be responsible for development at this stage as it will be there coaches coaching the players.
Rugby- Furthermore the last sporting example that links with the sports development continuum is rugby as it helps rugby players progress through each stage so they can reach the highest point and achieve success. For example all players have to start somewhere and that somewhere is called foundation level, at this level is it were young children learn the basic skills in tag rugby as they aren't old enough to play full contact rugby. In these kinds of sessions they will learn the basic sporting skills for example passing the ball and the main aim of this session is that is it enjoyable for the participants as that will influence them on progressing into the next stage. In addition the stage above foundation level is participation level, at this particular level is it were the participants play at club level for a team this is quite different from the foundation level because the quality of coaching improves which will then make the players improve and they start playing in competitive games so they are using there rugby skills in a game situation. Consequently the next stage in the sports development continuum is the performance stage, at this particular stage this is were rugby players get picked to represent there country or even play for an academy at this sport this will have a positive impact on the players because as each stage progresses the quality of coaching does as well therefore the better the coaches the better rugby player they will make you be. At this particular stage they will only concentrate on a specific skill for example a players weakness because then they wont have any weakness in there game. Finally the peak of the pyramid is excellence level, at this stage this is were players pass from regional stage to then representing there country at rugby, at this stage this is were individuals reach sporting success and the pyramid narrows as few players get to this level in the sport.
What's similar between all 3 sports- All 3 of the sports have similarity's, for example the first similarity is that all sports get young children participating at foundation level this is because all children have to start somewhere and this stage is vital in the continuum as it teaches the participants the basic skills in the sport and they are needed because without the basic skills they wont be able to improve as players without having these skills. For example passing in football and rugby and bowling in cricket when you have these skills you can they build on top of them for example passing with the outside of your foot in football and bowling off a run up in cricket. Also the foundation stage is vital because it gets more people involved in the sport and this is key for this continuum because the more people they get involved the more players they can push through to excellence level which is home grown talent. A sporting example of this would be a football at the age of 5 started off in a foundation session, he then enjoyed the session and wanted to play at club level after each game he was improving because of the coaching he then gets picked for an academy which he improved more at and then he gets picked to play for his country which is the peak of the pyramid.

What's different between all 3 sports- Finally as normal things have similarity's and then they have differences, for example a difference between football, rugby and cricket is that they all start at foundation level however some initiative  which are responsible in that sport have different aims, for example just play mars which is a football initiative aim is different to chance to shine and kids first because chance to shine just want people to participate in the sport they don't try and push the performers as far as they can get in the continuum because they just host there participation events on enjoyment all they want kids to do is enjoy the session and protect the young people from crime and drugs because when they are playing football they know that they aren't getting involved in crime or drugs. On the other hand chance to shine which is the cricket initiative is different from chance to shine because there aim is to try and push performers as far as they can to reach success they do this by firstly hosting introduction session where they will learn the basic skills then they will have contacts to clubs which performers can join that is getting them involved in the sport at participation level, when they are playing at club level and they are getting coached and making them better players then scouts and regional mangers will look at them and if they are good enough scout them. Once they have scouted them and they are part of an academy or a county the quality of coaching will then increase further and make them even better players then they might have the ability to represent there country and this is the same with rugby because if the performers enjoy the session and want to get more involved in rugby there will be coaches there or they will have contacts which they will pass on to the players then they'll play at club level and get coached and improve, then if they have the rugby ability they will get looked at by scouts and then be playing at performance level which then the level of coaching will be very high and this is essential because the better the coaching the better players they produce and then finally they will go and represent the country which is the peak of the pyramid. Therefore they are pushing the players are far as possible.